“Heal The World Through Music” is the theme of the Seventh Filipino Catholic Ministry Annual Dinner-Dance Fundraiser. This year’s Gala focuses on the Music Ministry and the spiritual significance music plays in bringing people together that transcends boundaries, culture, language, religion, gender, age, color and politics. Music resonates with the heart and opens the door for people to treat others with loving kindness, generosity, compassion and respect. This year’s Gala will showcase the musical talent of the Youth and Young Adult Choral Group of the Archdiocese of San Francisco under the direction of Music Maestro, Leon Palad! Don’t miss the Annual Dinner-Dance fundraiser. Ballroom and Line Dancing will immediately follow after dinner. Proceeds from the annual Gala support the various community education initiatives, devotional practices and religious-cultural programs of the Filipino Ministry. For tickets, please send email to: filipinoministrysf1@gmail.com